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Stacker Command-Line Interface Reference

This document lists the command line interface (CLI) commands for stacker version 1.0.0.

stackerStacker builds OCI images
stacker buildBuilds a new OCI image from a stacker yaml file
stacker recursive-buildFinds stacker yaml files under a directory and builds all OCI images they define
stacker convertConverts a Dockerfile into a stacker yaml file
stacker publishPublishes OCI images previously built from one or more stacker yaml files
stacker chrootRuns a command in a chroot (same as stacker exec)
stacker cleanCleans up after a stacker build
stacker inspectPrints the json representation of an OCI image
stacker grabGrabs a file from the image's filesystem
stacker unpriv-setupDoes the necessary unprivileged setup for stacker build to work without root
stacker gcGarbage collection of unused OCI imports/outputs snapshots
stacker checkChecks that all runtime required items (like kernel features) are present
stacker helpShows a list of commands or help for one command


    stacker - stacker builds OCI images

    stacker [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

    stacker <version> liblxc <digest>

    build            builds a new OCI image from a stacker yaml file
    recursive-build  finds stacker yaml files under a directory and builds all OCI layers they define
    convert          converts a Dockerfile into a stacker yaml file (experimental, best-effort)
    publish          publishes OCI images previously built from one or more stacker yaml files
    chroot, exec     run a command in a chroot
    clean            cleans up after a `stacker build`
    inspect          print the json representation of an OCI image
    grab             grabs a file from the layer's filesystem
    unpriv-setup     do the necessary unprivileged setup for stacker build to work without root
    gc               gc unused OCI imports/outputs snapshots
    check            checks that all runtime required things (like kernel features) are present
    help, h          Shows a list of commands or help for one command

    --work-dir value      set the working directory for stacker's cache, OCI output and rootfs output
    --stacker-dir value   set the directory for stacker's cache (default: ".stacker")
    --oci-dir value       set the directory for OCI output (default: "oci")
    --roots-dir value     set the directory for the rootfs output (default: "roots")
    --config value        stacker config file with defaults (default: "/home/<username>/.config/stacker/conf.yaml")
    --debug               enable stacker debug mode
    -q, --quiet           silence all logs
    --log-file value      log to a file instead of stderr
    --log-timestamp       whether to log a timestamp prefix
    --storage-type value  storage type (must be "overlay", left for compatibility) (default: "overlay")
    --no-progress         disable progress when downloading container images or files
    --help, -h            show help
    --version, -v         print the version

stacker build

    stacker build - builds a new OCI image from a stacker yaml file

    stacker build [command options] [arguments...]

    --no-cache                      don't use the previous build cache
    --substitute value              variable substitution in stackerfiles, FOO=bar format
    --substitute-file value         file containing variable substitution in stackerfiles, 'FOO: bar' yaml format
    --on-run-failure value          command to run inside container if run fails (useful for inspection)
    --shell-fail                    exec /bin/sh inside the container if run fails (alias for --on-run-failure=/bin/sh)
    --layer-type value              set the output layer type (supported values: tar, squashfs); can be supplied multiple times (default: "tar")
    --no-squashfs-verity            do not append dm-verity data to squashfs archives
    --require-hash                  require all remote imports to have a hash provided in stackerfiles
    --order-only                    show the build order without running the actual build
    --annotations-namespace value   set OCI annotations namespace in the OCI image manifest (default: "io.stackeroci")
    --stacker-file value, -f value  the input stackerfile (default: "stacker.yaml")

stacker recursive-build

    stacker recursive-build - finds stacker yaml files under a directory and builds all OCI layers they define

    stacker recursive-build [command options] [arguments...]

    --no-cache                              don't use the previous build cache
    --substitute value                      variable substitution in stackerfiles, FOO=bar format
    --substitute-file value                 file containing variable substitution in stackerfiles, 'FOO: bar' yaml format
    --on-run-failure value                  command to run inside container if run fails (useful for inspection)
    --shell-fail                            exec /bin/sh inside the container if run fails (alias for --on-run-failure=/bin/sh)
    --layer-type value                      set the output layer type (supported values: tar, squashfs); can be supplied multiple times (default: "tar")
    --no-squashfs-verity                    do not append dm-verity data to squashfs archives
    --require-hash                          require all remote imports to have a hash provided in stackerfiles
    --order-only                            show the build order without running the actual build
    --annotations-namespace value           set OCI annotations namespace in the OCI image manifest (default: "io.stackeroci")
    --stacker-file-pattern value, -p value  regex pattern to use when searching for stackerfile paths (default: "\\/stacker.yaml$")
    --search-dir value, -d value            directory under which to search for stackerfiles to build (default: ".")

stacker convert

    stacker convert - converts a Dockerfile into a stacker yaml file (experimental, best-effort)

    stacker convert [command options] [arguments...]

    --docker-file value, -i value      the input Dockerfile (default: "Dockerfile")
    --output-file value, -o value      the output stacker file (default: "stacker.yaml")
    --substitute-file value, -s value  the output file containing detected substitutions (default: "stacker-subs.yaml")

stacker publish

    stacker publish - publishes OCI images previously built from one or more stacker yaml files

    stacker publish [command options] [arguments...]

    --stacker-file value, -f value          the input stackerfile (default: "stacker.yaml")
    --stacker-file-pattern value, -p value  regex pattern to use when searching for stackerfile paths (default: "\\/stacker.yaml$")
    --substitute-file value                 file containing variable substitution in stackerfiles, 'FOO: bar' yaml format
    --search-dir value, -d value            directory under which to search for stackerfiles to publish
    --url value                             url where to publish the OCI images
    --username value                        username for the registry where the OCI images are published
    --password value                        password for the registry where the OCI images are published
    --skip-tls                              skip tls verify on upstream registry
    --tag value                             tag to be used when publishing
    --substitute value                      variable substitution in stackerfiles, FOO=bar format
    --show-only                             show the images to be published without actually publishing them
    --force                                 force publishing the images present in the OCI layout even if they should be rebuilt
    --layer-type value                      set the output layer type (supported values: tar, squashfs); can be supplied multiple times (default: "tar")
    --image value                           image to be published; can be specified multiple times

stacker chroot, exec

    stacker chroot - run a command in a chroot

    stacker chroot [command options] [tag] [cmd]

    <tag> is the built tag in the stackerfile to chroot to, or the first tag if
    none is specified.

    <cmd> is the command to run, or /bin/sh if none is specified. To specify cmd,
    you must specify a tag.

    --stacker-file value, -f value  the input stackerfile (default: "stacker.yaml")
    --substitute value              variable substitution in stackerfiles, FOO=bar format

stacker clean

    stacker clean - cleans up after a `stacker build`

    stacker clean [command options] [arguments...]

    --all  no-op; this used to do something, and is left in for compatibility

stacker inspect

    stacker inspect - print the json representation of an OCI image

    stacker inspect [tag]

    <tag> is the tag in the stackerfile to inspect. If none is supplied, inspect
    prints the information on all tags.

stacker grab

    stacker grab - grabs a file from the layer's filesystem

    stacker grab <tag>:<path>

    <tag> is the tag in a built stacker image to extract the file from.

    <path> is the path to extract (relative to /) in the image's rootfs.

stacker unpriv-setup

    stacker unpriv-setup - do the necessary unprivileged setup for stacker build to work without root

    stacker unpriv-setup [command options] [arguments...]

    --uid value       the user to do setup for (defaults to $SUDO_UID from env)
    --gid value       the group to do setup for (defaults to $SUDO_GID from env)
    --username value  the username to do setup for (defaults to $SUDO_USER from env)

stacker gc

    stacker gc - gc unused OCI imports/outputs snapshots

    stacker gc [arguments...]

stacker check

    stacker check - checks that all runtime required things (like kernel features) are present

    stacker check [arguments...]

stacker help

        - Shows a list of commands or help for one command


Last update: April 8, 2024